Thursday, May 2, 2013

First Trimester: Complete

I can't believe Baby Boatwright has been cooking for 12 weeks! It's true what everyone says--I'm starting to feel like myself again. Not so much nonstop carsickness. My bump is starting to look like I'm pregnant--as opposed to just belly fat. And I'm not *quite* so tired, although I've been sleeping less due to work deadlines.

On Monday we had a midwife appointment. I was hoping we'd find out the gender, but she said it'll be another month or so. Sigh, But!! This time we got to hear the heartbeat. She found it right away, and it's good, strong and fast. Whew! Everything seems to be healthy at this point--Praise Jesus.

I have to tell you something cool though. Sunday night I woke up and as I was going back to sleep, I felt something like a little flick in my lower right abdomen. It didn't feel like anything digestion related or anything I've felt before. I think it was the baby! At the midwife appointment, she put the Doppler *right* on the same spot and that's where she heard the heartbeat! And the next night, I felt like a little poke there. I keep hoping I'll feel it again. :-D

Here's week 11's photo.

1 comment:

  1. I love all your updates and neat ideas!! Congratulations again!

