Sunday, March 27, 2016

Wilder's March 2016

Wilder on Easter!

Happy Easter y'all! Wilder is so much fun these days. He's started conversing in complete sentences--it's pretty cool! He is working on talking to Felicity, which she thinks is the best. Right now he really loves this in-depth book on helicopters. He can point out the Chinook - his favorite--on sight, as well as the HIP, the Allouette... It's crazy. I can't even recognize them, except for the captions, but he knows a lot about them just from us reading the book to him, and he wants to read it for a long time multiple times a day. He has a book about cars and trains, now it's helicopters. I suppose we need one on planes next!

He's been sick a lot lately... A cold, a double ear infection followed by a virus that made him throw up in the car on the way home from the doctor- first time for everything. He was not a fan! So we have spent a lot of time secluded at home this month. It makes me sad, but just about every time this year that we go out somewhere with a lot of other kids or go to church, he's gotten sick. I know it's a season of life and he's at the age where they transmit illness so easily, but I hope his immune system builds up quickly. 

Even though Wilder is such a big boy now, I'm so thankful he still wants to be read to and rocked to sleep. I love that time with him! He has such a sweet heart and he so loves to spend time with family.

We had an Easter egg hunt at the house yesterday with some of our little friends and Wilder had SO much fun. He wanted to keep playing egg hunt all afternoon and today too. :-) He also got to have his first CANDY. Here are some photos from yesterday!

So cute I can't stand it!

first time to have candy!

Look at that chocolate!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Felicity 5 months

5 months old
Five months already! Our Felicity Rose is growing in leaps and bounds. She is wide-eyed and smiley--loves to see all there is to see in the world around her. Wilder can make her laugh just by smiling at her, and she is just such a vibrant, bouncing, happy addition to our family.

She's still very much my Velcro baby, but getting much better at playing with Daddy and Mimi and Papa. I know I'll miss these days where I'm her favorite person in the whole wide world, so I try to treasure these times. I love how she looks for me wherever I am, and how she smiles at me for no reason at all.

She's discovered her feet and likes to chew on them. She gets an A+ for tummy time--she prefers sleeping on her tummy. She likes sitting up a lot and she's close to sitting on her own. She will stand with assistance and bounce on your lap till your arms want to fall off.

Felicity can't wait to try food. She swipes at my plate every meal, stares down Wilder's every bite and licks the outside of my coffee mug if given the chance. No food yet. I'll give her tastes sometime in the next month and definitely after 6 months.

We went through a really rough few weeks where she didn't want to nap and she was sleeping 90 min at a time at night. I guess they call it the 4 month sleep regression. I was working hard late every night and burning the midnight oil, so I was drinking a lot of coffee. Once I realized there might be a connection I cut down the coffee to a single cup that even Wilder says is "mama's tiny coffee cup." Sad face. Almost instantly her sleep and naps got better. Or it could be that she got through the regression. She slept 7 hours straight two nights me in a row (which I didn't enjoy because of work). Except last night she was up every 90 min, again! She might be teething. It's always something! For now, She's taking two short naps and a long one, going to bed by 8, sometimes earlier, and waking up at 7 am. She's a bit off because of daylight savings still. She's started taking one of her naps in her big girl crib.

She blows bubbles, is exploring her voice and likes to read books a lot. Her favorites are foam books because she can eat them, but she likes other books too.

Felicity gets her height and weight stats tomorrow so I'll update then, but she's wearing 6 mo clothes (onesies are getting a little short), size 2 diapers and 3s for naps and bed.

Photos from today!

This face cracks me up